Print Services
Locations and Hours of On-site Staffing:
Monday through Friday (when school is in session)
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at North - Rm B201
Submitting Requests:
Please submit your request to Duplicating Services at least 2 working school days before you need it. Deliveries from North to Central will be done each day school is in session and delivered to Room 1350 - Staff Center by noon.
Please submit requests using this form.
Maintenance Requests:
If you are out of toner or need assistance with printer maintenance, or if you are out of paper in Print Services or at the hallway printers, please notify If you need a delivery of paper for your department, please submit a request to maintenance. Please do not send emails directly to staff to avoid missing a request
As we communicated at the end of the school year, Print Services will be housed at North for both schools. Deliveries from North to Central will be done each day school is in session before noon. All jobs currently entered and going forward will be completed and delivered by the date requested. hard-copies already made that need lamination, nothing has changed since the start of the year.
Hard copies needing lamination services for Central can be dropped off in the Staff Center. Signs are up indicating where. Job tickets will be submitted on the staff's behalf, and returned to Central when completed. Please include all required instructions and contact information.