Today, we will finish distributing Rams Passes during Rams Blocks! To leave a Rams Block after Advisory, students must be wearing their lanyard with both their student ID and blue ID card.  Students in Rams Block periods 1 and 5 with a Rams Pass do not need to report until Advisory time, 9:25am (M/T/Th/F) or 10:10am on Wednesdays.

This Rams Pass is eligible through Wednesday, September 25th. Then we will have two days of mandatory 90 minute Rams Blocks where students will return the blue ID. New Rams Passes, in a different color, will then be distributed in Rams Blocks beginning Monday, September 30th. 

*BEGINNING THIS CYCLE*: To earn a Rams Pass, students must meet the following criteria: maintain grades of C- or higher, have no more than 3 tardies in each class,  ensure all absences are excused, and no instances of Academic Integrity.

The important dates for the next cycle are listed below and can always be found on our Rams Block + Advisory webpage.
