Leadership Clubs
Student Council |
Student Council is comprised of dedicated students elected to represent each class. As an organization, we plan and run school-wide events. Our first major event each year is Homecoming Week. We are in charge of organizing spirit days, the parade, and the dance. Community service is also a major focus of Student Council. In November, we run a community-wide food drive to benefit local families and area food banks. We also help organize the D127 Winter Charity Gala and run the school’s blood drives. To wrap up the year, we plan Prom and a teacher appreciation event.
Social Media:
Twitter: @GCHS_stucru
Instagram: gchs_stucru
Jenna Guarino and Jazmyne Garcia
Class sponsors:
Freshmen: Jenni Clesen
Email Jenni Clesen
Sophomores: Shari Snavley
Email Shari Snavley
Juniors: Suzan Bickel
Email Suzan Bickel
Seniors: Kim Palmer
Email Kim Palmer
Rambassadors |
Rambassadors help students learn about leadership and living a healthy lifestyle. Students are trained through the GREEN DOT program as well as the Human Performance Organization. This group of leaders focus on welcoming all students and making school fun!
For more information email:
Student Life Coordinator: Dianna Soenksen Repp
Prevention and Wellness Coordinator Kate Oldenburg
Rambassador Sponsors Jeanna Beerbower and Matt Bridges