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Brandon Boyd
Technical Education
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3300 x5524
Chris Ellingsen
Technical Education
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3300 x5649
Mira Giannetti
FCS Teacher
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
Glen Gerdes
CTE - Sports Medicine
847-986-3300 x3373
Meghan Lynn
Business Education
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3300 x5758
Dana Oddo
Internship Coordinator
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3300 x3362
Colin Plach
Technical Education
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3300 x5744
Jen Pope
Family and Consumer Science
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3300 x5510
Melissa Priester
Family and Consumer Science
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3300 x5641