Grayslake North Athletic Training
Who are your Grayslake North Athletic Trainers?

Caitlin Bender

Antonio Calabrese
How to contact us?
Email: &
Phone: (847)986-3100 ext 5741; Fax: (847)-986-3027
How can we help you?
Athletic trainers are highly qualified, multi-skilled health care professionals. Athletic trainers’ services comprise prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Athletic trainers collaborate with physicians and work under the direction of physicians. Athletic trainers also work alongside physical therapists to help athletes prevent injury, get stronger, and return to play after an injury.
If you have an injury, something that is bothering you, or have a question and want some guidance, PLEASE feel free to reach out. Often times, we can help assist with an injury prior to you needing to see a physician and can also help refer you to the physician who can best help you.
Local Connections:
We work for Athletico Physical Therapy and are contracted to Grayslake North. Therefore, we are connected to the local Physical Therapists and have great relationships with the Physical Therapists and those who work in the clinics. Please reach out if you have interest in being seen at one of the local clinics. They offer a variety of services including physical therapy, occupational therapy, vestibular therapy, dry needling, Graston, free assessments, and much more. You can even be seen for Physical Therapy without seeing a physician. This is called Direct Access and the clinic will verify with your insurance what will be covered and let you know ahead of time. If for some reason your insurance requires a doctor’s script, we will let you know ahead of time and can help make sure you get what you need to be seen. We can help get you in to the Athletico Clinics, bridge the gap, and open the lines of communication so that everyone is on the same page! This will all help you get back to feeling great and back to your sport as soon as possible.
The closest Athletico Clinics are:
Gurnee West/Third Lake: 34572 US-45, Ste A., Third Lake, IL 60030; Phone: (847)548-3695
Round Lake Beach: 192 W. Rollins Road, Round Lake Beach, IL 60073; Phone: (847)201-4706
Lindenhurst: 1870 E. Grand Ave, Lindenhurst, IL 60046; Phone: (224)643-0117
Grayslake: 1860 E. Belvidere Rd, Grayslake, IL 60030; Phone: (847)548-0360

Other Important Things!
Any time you go to a doctor for any reason, please be sure to get a doctor’s note. You will NEED a doctor’s note of clearance in order to play after an injury. We can NOT allow you to participate without a note. For example, if you go get x-rays, even if they are negative, you NEED a note that states you can participate in sports without restrictions. Also, let’s say you have a wrist injury that doesn’t allow you to play your sport fully, but you can run and do lower body workouts, PLEASE get a doctor’s note that states that so you can participate in some form. ALL DOCTOR’S notes must be given to the Athletic Trainers. While in school, these notes can be given to the School Nurses and then the Athletic Trainers will get a copy from them.
Concussions! These injuries are NOT just headaches. If you feel you have symptoms of a concussion or are concerned about a teammate, please come talk to us. We can evaluate you or your teammate and help direct them to the right person for care.
If you test positive for COVID, please let us know. We would like to make sure that you are ok and that when you return to sports, that there are no issues.
Remember to bring a water bottle with you to all practices and games. Hydrate, eat well, and get good sleep!
Follow us on Twitter: @GNHS_ATC
Don’t hesitate to contact us! Look forward to working with you all! Stay safe and be smart! GO KNIGHTS!

Illinois Bone and Joint
350 S Greenleaf St, #405
Gurnee, IL 60031 Phone: (847)336-3335

2180 Pfingsten Road, Suite 2000, Glenview, IL 60026
920 Milwaukee Avenue, Suite 2100, Lincolnshire, IL 60069
1000 Central Street, Suite 880, Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847)570-2570