Marching Knights

For Marching Knights resources, calendar of events, fundraisers, etc.,
please visit the Music Boosters Page.

Upcoming Performances and Events
Northern Illinois University Jazz Workshop
February 6th
Northern Illinois University
Evanston High School Jazz Festival
February 8th
Evanston Township High School
NLCC Honor Band Festival
February 10th and 11th
Wauconda High School
Solo and Ensemble Contest (Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble)
February 25th
4:00pm - 9:00pm
Grayslake North High School
Mardi Gras - St. Louis Trip
February 28th - March 1st
D127 Honors Festival
April 15th
Grayslake Central High School
Spring Band Concert
April 29th
North Aux Gym
MUSE - A Celebration of the Fine Arts - Performances from Jazz Band, Jazz Choir and Small Ensembles
May 1st
Cafeteria and Fine Arts Wing
End of Year Celebration and Show Reveal
Grayslake Memorial Day Parade
May 26th
Downtown Grayslake