Transcript Release Procedures

Current GNHS students should log into their Schoolinks account to request official transcripts for all applications, scholarships, etc. 

For Official Transcripts: Click here for instructions - Send an official transcript for scholarships, NCAA eligibility, and other non-college app purposes.

For Unofficial transcripts: Click here for instructions - View your grades or download to send to a college or program that accepts unofficial transcripts.

Send transcripts for college apps in the College Applications Manager


  • SAT scores are not included on Transcripts. If required, please request your test scores directly from

  • Our transcripts show a “weighted GPA".

  • Our transcripts do NOT included Class Rank.

  • Please allow (10) business days for your request to be completed. Once processed by GNHS, your Official Transcript will be uploaded to the college/university. Please know that each university processes their received transcripts at their own pace; they may be in receipt of a transcript for over two weeks before it shows as "received" in their records.

  • Final Transcripts are sent when all final grades have been submitted.

All transcript requests can be made through Schoolinks. If you do not have a current account, you can create your account here:

Once established, you will need to link your prior high school. Within your settings, the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard, there will be a section for "organization affiliations" from there you will use the drop-down to choose Grayslake North High School. When typing the name of the school in the search bar, please make sure you choose from the drop-down of options so your account may connect successfully.

Once Grayslake North High School has been linked, go back to your dashboard and a transcript request section called 'My Transcript' should be visible at the top middle section of your dashboard. Within this section 'My Transcript' you can select to request an unofficial or official transcript to be sent. Only new members will be asked to take a photo of you holding your Driver's License or State ID for verification of your identity. Please make sure the ID you are holding in front of you is clear and readable. Once your identity is verified, you will not have to complete this step again for transcript requests. 

Please note: If you are a 2024 graduate to recent graduate who did not update a personal email address in Schoolinks prior to graduation, you will need to contact Jennifer Campos at for assistance.