Honor Societies

GNHS has 6 honor societies all with their own special focus. All groups provide students with opportunities for service hours and leadership roles. There are qualifications for each group as well as induction ceremonies.

National Art Honor Society

This organization recognizes high achievement in visual art and promotes GNHS artists and their creative masterpieces. NAHS also provides students with leadership opportunities throughout the school year.


National French Honor Society

The French National Honor Society is an academic organization dedicated to promoting the study of the French Language and the culture of French countries.


National Honor Society

Students inducted into National Honor Society commit themselves to fulfilling community service hours, 60 hours for first year members and 40 hours for second year members. School sponsors will offer students a number of opportunities to earn those community service hours, but students can accrue hours on their own as well.


To be eligible as a candidate for the National Honor Society, a student must:

1. Be a sophomore or a junior who has attended District 127 the equivalent of one semester;

2. Have a minimum cumulative scholastic average of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale;

3. Demonstrate leadership by earning 5 leadership units. Leadership units can be earned by participating in school clubs, sports or through employment. Please see the NHS sponsors for clarification regarding other activities that demonstrate leadership;

4. Volunteer documented service to the community—examples of appropriate community service include working for a clean-up campaign, public library, hospital, homeless shelter, literacy program, or the Special Olympics; volunteering in a house of worship; participating actively in Scouting; or taking part in a fundraising event like an AIDS or cancer walk. Hours earned as a member of a school club may count as community service but not as a school activity, as well. NHS candidates must show evidence of at least eight hours of cumulative service to the community during their high school years;

5. Have positive ratings in leadership, service, and character from the faculty;

6. Receive a majority vote of the National Honor Society Faculty Council.

Note: A candidate’s disciplinary record is a factor in the selection process. Students who receive out-of-school or in-school suspensions, Saturday detentions, or suspensions are at risk of being denied membership. Selection of members occurs in the spring after students have completed three semesters of academic work.


National Social Studies Honor Society

Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society

The purpose of the National Social Studies Honor Society is to recognize outstanding effort and achievement in and encourage an interest, understanding, and appreciation for the social studies. They participate in helping organize activities for Social Studies Week, as well as Veterans Day activities. They plan several informational activities during Native American Heritage month and are an active role in helping with the Food Drive. In the spring, they hold their annual induction ceremony.


National Spanish Honor Society

The Spanish National Honor Society is an academic organization dedicated to promoting the study of the Spanish Language and the culture of Hispanic countries.



Tri-M National Music Honor Society is an organization open to all District 127 music students. It was founded in 1936 at Maine Township High School in Park Ridge, Illinois, and currently has over 4,500 chapters throughout the US. It is designed to recognize music students for academic and musical achievement, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and inspire others to excel in leadership and music. Students must be an active member of a school music performance group and meet the standards of criteria in five categories: scholarship, character, cooperation, leadership, and service. Tri-M members participate numerous community and school service projects throughout the school year.
