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Allison Taskovic
Special Education/Paraprofessional
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5700
Jill Tomasello-Wolter
Family and Consumer Science
Career and Technology Education (CTE)
847-986-3100 x5683
Andrea Tompoles
Assistant to the Principals
Dorota Trybula
World Language
World Language
847-986-3100 x5658
Lori Twaddle
ESP - Department Chair Secretary, Special Education
847-986-3100 x3158
Yolanda Vazquez
Special Education
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5590
Linda Vecchie
Dean of Students
Student Services
847-986-3100 x5686
Vince Vitale
Life Fitness
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5721
Jennifer Welty
World Language
World Language
847-986-3100 x5692
James West
Special Education
Special Education
847-986-3100 x5710
Nancy Wilkinson
Department Chair Secretary
847-986-3100 x5041
Erin Wise
Social Studies
Social Studies
847-986-3100 x5568
Michelle Wood
Life Fitness
Life Fitness
847-986-3100 x5698
Steve Wood
Life Fitness
Life Fitness
847-986-3100 x5699
Ken Zonsius
Computer Technician II
847-986-3100 x3423
Dustin Zubert
847-986-3100 x5701